Why You Should Date a Surfer

If you’ve noticed a surfer noticing you, consider yourself lucky. Surfers can make for a fantastic partner, lover, and friend, all in one person. Surfing is more than just a hobby for them, it’s a lifestyle.

You should date a surfer because surfers are easy-going, good-looking, healthy, romantic, and they love spending time at the beach. Surfers don’t waste their time on pointless arguments. They want to spend all their free time on the beach with you.

This article will discuss the perks of dating a surfer, what to expect, and a few important considerations before you start dating one.

Reasons Why You Should Date a Surfer

Although each surfer is unique, they all share the same passion. So, surfers often have a lot in common. Let’s go over a few reasons why your next partner should be a surfer.

Surfers Are Laid-Back, Optimistic, and Relaxed

A common stereotype about surfers is that they’re super chill, and in almost all cases, it’s true. Although surfing can be an extreme, exciting sport, it’s also relaxing and even meditative.

If a surfer gets worked up, they’ll grab their surfboard and rush to the nearest beach to vent, as it’s an effective way to blow off steam. They forget about the thing that stressed them out in the first place. You can see the calmness on their radiant faces when they come back from their hasty expedition.

You can also tell what type of person a surfer is from their clothes. They love plain old T-shirts, shorts, jeans, and sneakers, and you’ll never see a surfer in formal attire. 

A surfer’s clothes are just like their personality, which is loose and relaxed.

Moreover, surfers don’t stress out over work. They tend to pick simple, easy jobs, preferably close to the beach. When a surfer’s done with their shift at a local beach bar, it’s surfing time.

Surfers Are Fit, Healthy, and Attractive

Surfing is a great full-body exercise, which means that they have strong, toned legs and abs. Surfing also activates the traps and lats (back muscles), shoulders, arms, and chest.

They must have strong core muscles, such as their abs, glutes, and lower back, to support and balance their weight on the board. Moreover, surfing burns a ton of calories, which is why all surfers have a fit, athletic physique.

Exercise is good for mental health because it releases endorphins and serotonin, which fortifies their nonchalant attitude. Aside from the exercise part, there are a few other reasons surfers look so healthy and attractive.

All that exposure to sea salt gives surfers vibrant, smooth skin and strong, healthy hair.

And since surfers typically only wear shorts or a bikini, it gives them plenty of time to sunbathe. Surfers have a permanent tan, which most people find very attractive.

Surfers Love Spending Time at the Beach

If you’re in love with the beach, you need to find a partner that loves it as much as you do. Few people are willing to spend more than 4-5 hours on the beach, but not surfers.

Surfers typically spend most of their free time on the beach, as they have to keep watch so that they won’t miss the next big wave. The ocean is very temperamental.

This doesn’t mean that you must be on the beach 24/7 with them, but you can if you love the beach as much as they do. You can sunbathe, play volleyball, swim, scuba dive, and, yes, surf together. Be ready to spend a lot of money on sunscreen if you start dating a surfer.

Also, nothing beats a long romantic walk along the coastline in the late evening.

Surfers Are Deeply Spiritual

If you’re an old soul, you’ll enjoy dating a surfer because surfing is more than just a sport, it’s a religion. Surfing is a spiritual journey of the body, mind, and soul. It liberates the soul, allowing the individual to experience a strong sense of self through contemplation and solitude.

Of course, some surfers are more religious than others. 

Nonetheless, the sport itself is inherently spiritual and it gives you a lot of alone time with the forces of nature. 

Surfing was a central part of their religion and culture for ancient Hawai’ians. So, the spiritual, metaphysical aspect of surfing is not something modern surfers invented as an excuse to spend all day out on the open ocean.

Important Considerations Before Dating a Surfer

Dating a surfer isn’t all sunshine and butterflies, as there are a few things that you should know before falling in love with one. They can be a dealbreaker or just a few additional reasons why you’d want to date a surfer.

Let’s see why.

It’s Difficult To Plan Anything With a Surfer

If you’re the type of person that plans everything from date night dinners to cozy movie nights, forget about it. Throw any plans you might have with your surfer into the water.

You can’t plan anything with a surfer partner. Their lives tend to be chaotic, loosely organized, and impulsive, just like the ocean. Surfers always watch the weather and the ocean to catch the perfect surfing weather.

You can’t blame them, though. Good waves only last up to a couple of hours if they’re lucky.

Also, prepare for a lot of headaches when planning trips because surfers seldom go away from the coastline, even if it’s just for a week.

Forget Formal Events

The business world requires formal suits, fancy pants, and dresses. But your surfer partner probably doesn’t own any proper clothes, and they can’t be bothered to buy any. This means you’ll have to avoid super fancy restaurants and events altogether. 

If you plan on going, your surfer partner might embarrass you. 

Even if they show up in the right clothes, their laid-back attitude and surf slang-filled vocabulary will still make them stand out.

Final Thoughts

Surfers make for great boyfriends/girlfriends. Thanks to their relaxing, spiritual hobby, they’re always in a good mood, and they’ll avoid arguing with you because they’d rather spend their free time riding the waves.

Just be prepared to spend all of your free time at the beach. And forget about organizing and planning your day with your partner.

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