How Do You Jump A Wake On A Wakeboard?

Suppose you’ve been wakeboarding and feel confident standing on the wakeboard and moving around from side to side. In that case, you might now want to start doing some tricks. Jumping over the wake is one of the first tricks you can learn as a beginner wakeboarder. So, how do you jump a wake on a wakeboard?

Before jumping a wake on a wakeboard, you must first know how to edge and position yourself for the jump. When you approach the wake, keep your knees slightly bent. Then, launch yourself into the air by straightening your legs as you reach the wake and bend them again when you land.

Jumping a wake takes practice and patience. You will likely experience several wipeouts while attempting to jump your first wake. However, following the tips and steps in this guide to jumping a wake will have a much greater chance of success. This article discusses everything you need to know to jump a wake on a wakeboard.

How To Jump Your First Wake On A Wakeboard

Although jumping wakes is one of the first tricks you can learn when wakeboarding, don’t expect to get it right the first time. Before attempting any tricks on the wakeboard, you should first be comfortable standing, moving, and edging on the wakeboard.

Edging is when you move away from or towards the center of the back of the boat, and you will edge to and from the wake when preparing to jump it. A boat has two wakes (the waves that follow the boat as it moves through the water). You will eventually be able to jump wake to wake. But first, you should practice jumping a single wake and get comfortable jumping the wakes on both sides of the boat.

As you can imagine, jumping a wake takes some skill and practice. It isn’t quite as simple as the experts make it seem. So, let’s see how you go about jumping a wake on a wakeboard.

Step 1: Edge Away From The Wake

When setting up for a jump, you must first edge as far away from the wake as possible. You can do this with a heel-sided edge or toe-sided edge. Ensure the rope is taut to give you more speed and stability. Keep your knees slightly bent to ensure you absorb some of the shock.

Step 2: Approach The Wake

You can start approaching the wake when you have gained enough distance from it. Then, you will edge closer to the wake. Keep the weight on your back leg at this stage and lean away from the rope. Keep your elbows tucked in as you edge towards the wake to ensure the rope is taut when you make the jump.

Step 3: Launching Off The Wake

As you start to climb the wake, now is the time to initiate the jump. With the rope taut and your weight on your back leg, you will launch yourself off the board and into the air. This motion is similar to jumping straight up on land.

Straighten your legs to get some air, then bend them while you are in the air. Also, lean back, so the boat doesn’t pull you forward, and you face dive into the water. Congratulations, you are now jumping a wake on a wakeboard!

Step 4: Landing After The Jump

The landing part after jumping the wake is the trickiest, and this is likely where you will experience the most falls. To land the jump, you must bend your knees to absorb the shock of the impact. Some professionals say the best way to land the jump successfully is to bend down into a sitting position.

Once you have landed, you can straighten up again and continue to wakeboard. Remember that any part of wakeboarding requires some time and patience, and you will likely fall multiple times before landing a jump. However, with practice, you will eventually be able to jump a wake on a wakeboard. Then you can move on to more complex tricks in time.

Tips For Practicing Jumping Wakes On A Wakeboard

When you first start to practice jumping wakes, you might have difficulty staying upright and getting clearance while also not falling on your face. However, there are some ways to help you do your first successful wake jump.

1. Drive At Slower Speeds

The slower the boat moves, the smaller the wakes will be. While small wakes are boring for more experienced wakeboarders, they are handy for people beginning to jump wakes. If the boat driver can slow down a little while attempting to jump the wake, you will have more success with the jumping and landing phases.

2. Use A Longer Rope

In addition to driving slower, you can use a longer rope when learning how to jump a wake on a wakeboard. While a longer rope will reduce the height and length of your jumps over the wake, it will also give you more time to approach the wake and recover after the jump.

When you’re comfortable doing basic jumps, you can progress to a shorter rope at faster speeds. The jumps will be more challenging, but you will easily manage them if you take the time to learn the basics first.

Is It Dangerous To Jump A Wake?

There is a degree of danger to jumping a wake when wakeboarding. However, if you take the proper safety measures, you significantly reduce your chances of getting seriously injured. Here are some safety tips when wakeboarding and jumping a wake on a wakeboard.

  • Always wear a lifejacket when wakeboarding.
  • Wear a helmet when wakeboarding, too, especially when doing tricks that can lead to head injuries.
  • Stretch before wakeboarding to prevent muscle strains and injuries.
  • Never lock your knees when wakeboarding or jumping.
  • Pay attention to the spotter’s signals and the water conditions around you.
  • Don’t go wakeboarding in the dark or when there is poor visibility.
  • Don’t go wakeboarding if you don’t know the dangers (such as submerged objects or sand banks) in the water.

With these safety tips in mind, you will have a much safer wakeboarding experience. In addition, you will be able to practice jumping the wakes safely. Overall, jumping a wake on a wakeboard isn’t more dangerous than other watersports like jet skiing. In addition, very few people have died from wakeboarding injuries, so you can rest assured that you are safe in the water.


Starting to jump a wake on a wakeboard is an exciting yet somewhat scary thing to do. Start by edging away from the wake, then turn around and edge towards the wake. Bend your knees and lift off from the water when you reach the wake. Bend your knees again when landing. Learning how to jump a wake when wakeboarding takes time and effort. Starting at slower speeds, with smaller wakes, and with a longer rope will help you learn how to jump a wake quickly. Always follow the correct safety protocols when wakeboarding to ensure you aren’t injured.

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